The reason I named this blog "Running with the Ruizes" was to document me and my family. It was meant to be a Latino version of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" but better because we are better or at least more relatable you know without the cochino things like sex tapes.
Hi I'm Karla and I am the youngest in my family of 6 including my parents. I am 18 years old residing here in North Hollywood, California. I am a freshman at CSUN majoring in Psychology and History. I just started out school and am excited to see where this college career takes me.
I created this blog because I find that other people will the events that occur within my family amusing and enjoyable.
We are the Ruizes
I come from a background of a low-socioeconomic status, from parents who migrated to this country for a better life.
My father, RoRo and my mother, Pancha, my twin pillars. |
My Father is Mexican born and migrated here in the '70s where he met my mother. In Mexico he lived with his parents and his around 16 siblings in a rancho in Las Bocas, Huejùcar, Jalisco. He is the most funniest and serious man in the world that I know. Although quiet in essence when he speaks he always makes me laugh with what he says. Let's take an example (for those of you who do not speak or read spanish forgive me but this story only works in spanish) My mother lives for buying medicine from Nature Sunshine for stress and health purposes. Well one night as we were all hanging out in the living room and my mother was ordering her medicine. She turned and asked my father, "Tienes estres?" He took in the question turned to her and said, "No, tengo es-cuatro." Now I know it's cheesy but these jokes make him and I love him for that.
My mother is a Salvadorian born woman who also migrated here in the '70s. She lived in the Departamento de Cabañas, El Salvador. She never had much growing up but she always tells about how she enjoyed her childhood even when there were those days of uncertainty of what to eat or how to get by she can still look back and miss where she once was. My mother lead a very difficult life never having worn shoes until she was able to work at the age of 11. And she has been working ever since. My mother is the strongest woman I know and the smartest. From her I have learned a lot and although at times we butt heads I always love her and appreciate all the hard work she and my father put in for keeping a roof over my head and my four siblings.
The Branches of the RoRo & Pancha
Lady, Sandrizzle, Me, Jesse, and Brohan, my siblings, my rocks.
These are the branches that stem from the roots of my parents. My siblings who are all elder than me. Me and my eldest sister are 14 years apart and me and my brother, who's the youngest of my siblings, are 6 years apart. Now growing up in this household wasn't easy on the count of all my siblings were older and never really had time for me with what being in school and you know, being older, Who wants to hang out with their kid sibling?
But amazingly we are all close and share our lives with each other and for that I am so grateful and appreciative for being able to have people that are so hilarious, annoying and loving in my life...
So this is "Running with the Ruizes"...