Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hey Guys! It's Finals Week!


This is a cute picture of boxer puppies!!!
I want a puppy!

Fiiive minute dance breaaak...............................................................................................................

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Favorite Shows and How All the Members are coming together!

Sooo many of you may be familiar with a little show called "How I Met Your Mother".
I have just learned that there is going to be a little more of a reunion with Seth Green playing an old college buddy of Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan).

Now we have already seen a bit of a reunion with the obnoxious, news reporter Sandy Rivers (Alexis Denisof) who played Wesley Windham Pryce in WB's hit show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" who is also Alyson Hannigan's husband.

As a fan of both shows it gets me real sentimental seeing the gang get together.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fleetwood Mac Reunion!

EW (Entertainment Weekly Shortened)announced that Fleetwood Mac will be in concert and I am totally down to go! Click the link (
It was way before my time when they were together but I do like some of their songs....
"Little Lies" one of the first songs I ever listened to and that my priest mention in one of the sermons during mass which was totally awesome. 

"Go Your Own Way" is another classic that it's just perfect mix of music to my ears...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

STOP the "Kill The Gays" Bill in Uganda

I just signed a petition to help stop Uganda's notorious "Kill the Gays" bill - which could legalize the death penalty for gay and lesbian people.  President Museveni promised to veto it but he's under pressure from Uganda's parliament who desperately want to pass it.  We can hold him to his promise by taking action right now. We've done it before - by creating a global outcry of literally millions of people. I know we can stop it again, but only if you sign this petition and share it now. The bill could move forward at any moment - will you join me and stand with Ugandans against this horrific law?

We've done it before - by creating a global outcry of literally millions of people. I know we can stop it again, but only if you sign this petition and share it now. 

The bill could move forward at any moment - will you join me and stand with Ugandans against this horrific law?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rachel Maddow on Obama's Re-election

We do need to get real and stop pointing the finger at each other and people need to do the jobs that they are suppose to do for this public. These representatives that we choose to lead in congress, in our states, in our cities need to do their jobs not by just arguing their position and saying hey you're wrong but by coming to a solution.

The election is over so let's get back to work politicians you too Obama those immigrants want their promise.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fruit Pickers

There has always been such a negative stigma towards those who are fruit pickers, especially because the majority are immigrants.
Back in the 1940's there was a program created called the Bracero Program which allowed American farmers to hire immigrants, mostly from Mexico, to help them with agricultural needs. Of course this was a period where the economy was flowing and people for the most part were happy under FDR's presidency.
Now this video revolutionizes the perspective on fruit pickers and laborers. By bringing a new vision of someone who historically changed the United States and that person is Abraham Lincoln. Although Abe did free the slaves, he was still just a white supremacist who wanted to be rid of Blacks and ship them back to Monrovia, Africa. But Abe's back story is a pretty amazing one. One that is a classic rags to riches to Commander in Chief of the United States of America, that most immigrants and people from a low socioeconomic background are familiar with. This gives hope to the kids who come from backgrounds like these once again giving us hope.
So kids whether you come from rich or poor families white, black or brown, you can do whatever you set your mind to and become a big baller just like Abe Lincoln.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's that time of the quad-year again...

Election Season is upon us and this time I get to vote.
Voting is really important and does affect the people. Rules and Propositions are implemented out there and it's only right for every individual to go out and vote. Especially the young people who are the future of this nation. This is our country and what we have control over should be things that we take seriously because it affects us, individually and as a nation. Whether props that are presented to us or choosing leaders.
SO GO VOTE some people do not get to have that privilege in this country and out of this country. You get a sticker afterwards!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Hollywood Cemetery: Dia de los Muertos.

I love the Hollywood Cemetery with its movie shows and its awesome Dia del los Muertos showings. Where families get together and make alters in honor of their family and as a part of a contest that the Cemetery holds. Here's some pictures from my favorite alter.
"Art is Eternal"


You Go Obama!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My First Time At The Bowl

Soooo a couple of weeks ago I went to the Hollywood Bowl for the first time. Florence and the Machine were in concert and had the Macabees and The Weekend open for her. 
It was completely amaaaazing! I mean her voice sounds so awesome on the records already but this was a chance to hear without all the crap they had in the background stripping it down right raw. And this was one of the songs that she practically sang entirely acapella. It was amazing! I swear I had goose bumps listening to her.

The other most amazing performance was Dog Days Are Over, which was kinda perfect because the reason I got these tickets was for my graduation in May and I just looooved it!!!! Thank you to my sister Sandra for getting me those tickets and sorry Erica for leaving you on your birthday. My baaad!

Hope you enjoy it!!!!

Ode to the 99 percent?

This is a rant against the 1 % and the useless things they do with their money instead of paying taxes like the 99% do.
Here is a link that leads to the website of rich kids who take picture of their decadent, glamourous live and post their pictures on Instagram.

Here is one of the picture that these kids posted
Gold Plated AK-47
First and foremost, what the hell is a kid doing with an AK-47. I mean they might not be kids but most of who I see on this website look like kids, who document their underage drinking, their fancy cars, yes plural, their expensive bottle of alcohol, and their ridiculous amount of money spent on dinners and shopping of thousands of dollars that is worth more than a car!
Now I know it's their money the should be able to do what they want but I mean come on! Give a little huh 1%? What are you so afraid of to get taxed more or at least equally to the 99% that pay more taxes than you. I'm sure your kids can live without some of these things. And also just because you get more money does not mean you are fucken entitled! Come on America!
I now leave you with this link that continues with my rant
I mean I get it, if you got it flaunt it. But this is overkill and overshare. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

It's that time of the year again...

Halloween is just around the corner and it has been a year since the controversial costume Anna Rexia blew up the media. Below you will see a picture of the 'sexy' costume aimed at women but most importantly young women.

This costume not only aims at young women but it causes a social stigma that this is the shape that women have to be, in the American ideal. The hourglass shape has been popular and praised for many centuries shaming women with thick and voluptuous bodies. Women already are faced with a standard to fit the ideal hourglass shape but to put up a costume named "Anna Rexia" which is obviously anorexia aimed at young women shows that our society still does not realize the issues and problems that women go through to achieve this 'ideal' body shape. Crash diets, bulimia, self abuse is some of the extents women go through because of the pressure of society. We see it everywhere; billboards, magazines, commercials. All these advertisements aim for the women of this society and warp their minds into what they should and should not be. But we need to put a stop to this we need to tell our children our future of this world that it is ok to have curves, it is ok to not look and have a barbie doll-like figure. If you want to be fit and healthy that is something that is completely up to you but don't be pressured to do it through the means of crash diets, anorexia, bulimia, pills you can be healthy by eating right and exercising.

And this does is not just limited to women. Men also experience these issues. They just don't go through the shame "social shame" as women do because heavier men live up to male stereotypes.

Below you'll find the link to CNN's "Anna Rexia" cover in case you are further interested.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Brilliance of Satire Television

This along with many other shows such as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report, cleverly use the news topics of the week to convert it into a satirical critic of our nation today. As shown below we see Late Night with Jimmy Fallon host Jimmy Fallon portraying what we know of Mitt Romney thus far in his campaign for the presidency of the United States of America. Of course taking stabs at both the Democratic leader Barack Obama and Republican nominated Mitt Romney.

This is one of the many hilarious political satire that can be found and the birth and reproduction is all thanks to a little show on NBC called Saturday NIght Live and its creator and producer Lorne Michaels who made these products of SNL possible. Without him we would be lost in the worlds of Fox News, MSNBC and so on and so forth. Some people still are. But thankfully we have these shows that challenge our thoughts and what we hear everywhere while allowing us to get a laugh out of it. It makes you think and come to realizations of the world we live in today. You even learn things from time to time and who doesn't love learning.

 So if you're still not watching what are you waiting for? Put this shit on your DVR or TIVO. Get with the hilarious programming!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why "Running with the Ruizes"?

The reason I named this blog "Running with the Ruizes" was to document me and my family. It was meant to be a Latino version of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" but better because we are better or at least more relatable you know without the cochino things like sex tapes.

Hi I'm Karla and I am the youngest in my family of 6 including my parents. I am 18 years old residing here in North Hollywood, California. I am a freshman at CSUN majoring in Psychology and History. I just started out school and am excited to see where this college career takes me.
I created this blog because I find that other people will the events that occur within my family amusing and enjoyable.

We are the Ruizes
I come from a background of a low-socioeconomic status, from parents who migrated to this country for a better life.

My father, RoRo and my mother, Pancha, my twin pillars.
My Father is Mexican born and migrated here in the '70s where he met my mother. In Mexico he lived with his parents and his around 16 siblings in a rancho in Las Bocas, Huejùcar, Jalisco.  He is the most funniest and serious man in the world that I know. Although quiet in essence when he speaks he always makes me laugh with what he says. Let's take an example (for those of you who do not speak or read spanish forgive me but this story only works in spanish) My mother lives for buying medicine from Nature Sunshine for stress and health purposes. Well one night as we were all hanging out in the living room and my mother was ordering her medicine. She turned and asked my father, "Tienes estres?" He took in the question turned to her and said, "No, tengo es-cuatro." Now I know it's cheesy but these jokes make him and I love him for that. 
My mother is a Salvadorian born woman who also migrated here in the '70s. She lived in the Departamento de Cabañas, El Salvador. She never had much growing up but she always tells about how she enjoyed her childhood even when there were those days of uncertainty of what to eat or how to get by she can still look back and miss where she once was. My mother lead a very difficult life never having worn shoes until she was able to work at the age of 11. And she has been working ever since. My mother is the strongest woman I know and the smartest. From her I have learned a lot and although at times we butt heads I always love her and appreciate all the hard work she and my father put in for keeping a roof over my head and my four siblings. 

The Branches of the RoRo & Pancha 

Lady, Sandrizzle, Me, Jesse, and Brohan, my siblings, my rocks.

These are the branches that stem from the roots of my parents. My siblings who are all elder than me. Me and my eldest sister are 14 years apart and me and my brother, who's the youngest of my siblings, are 6 years apart. Now growing up in this household wasn't easy on the count of all my siblings were older and never really had time for me with what being in school and you know, being older, Who wants to hang out with their kid sibling?
But amazingly we are all close and share our lives with each other and for that I am so grateful and appreciative for being able to have people that are so hilarious, annoying and loving in my life...

So this is "Running with the Ruizes"...

Monday, August 27, 2012

My first day...

Hi and Welcome to Karla's Corner where you'll find the events of my days as a freshman in college as well as the youngest member out of six in my family. So come and follow me.

After graduating high school I've realized, I'm too organized and driven. I need to go to a place where my potential won't shine though and I could just veg out. And to my advantage there is such a place; College...

Today was my first day. A little slow but  the ball just started rolling. 

When the ball starts catching momentum I'll let you know all about it...